Special Needs Plans


Medicare Special Needs Plans are a form of the Medicare Advantage Plans, but for those with specific needs. Unlike the Medicare Plan C HMO or PPO plans, these plans are for people with certain diseases. The plan is formulated to help care for those specific needs, including specific doctors and medications.

What Doctors can you See on the SNP?

There are specific doctors you must see when you are on the Medicare SNP. These doctors belong to a specific network and cater to the needs of your disease. The only exception to the rule is if you need emergency care that can’t wait to see an in-network doctor, or if you have End-Stage Renal Diseases and need urgent dialysis.

Typically, SNPs require you to have a primary doctor or ‘medical home.’ If not, you may need a care coordinator or a person who’s in charge of your medical records and medical care, keeping track of all doctors and treatments.

You may need a referral to see any specialists too, which you can get from your primary care doctor or care coordinator.

What Else Should you Know about SNPs?

SNPs are only for people in specific groups. Most notably:

Your plan should coordinate your care, including care from multiple providers. The care coordinator’s job is to coordinate your benefits if you are on both Medicaid and Medicare.

Medicare SNPs are available in different areas, and each year it differs. Insurance companies determine where they’ll offer the services based on the need. Each insurance company sets its own requirements and costs for the plan.

What are the Costs of the Medicare SNP?

Most people eligible for the Medicare SNP are on Medicaid and owe nothing for the Medicare part C coverage. If you aren’t on Medicaid, you may pay a premium, which varies by area. The specialists at Senior Insurance Representatives can help you.

Call Senior Insurance Representatives to Learn More

Are you wondering if the Medicare Part C SNP is a good fit for you? Let the experts at Senior Insurance Representatives help you find out. We have many years of experience helping seniors, just like you, with their Medicare needs. Call us today at 1-800-327-7888 to find out more.

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